Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Cucumber Shark: Part V

Alton Brown's "Feasting on Asphalt", is what what we need to pay attention to. He has been a part of the inspiration for my rants, and his show is a masterwork. It truly makes me want to wander the country on back roads and experience, not just the food, but the stories and the history of this patchwork country of ours. Regardless of who we are, we are a true melting pot of cultures, we are Americans with a great deal of history. In my opinion, probably the most interesting mix in all the world. I know "The Cucumber Shark" is usually my rant on food trends, But what can I say. We need to visit the "Mom & Pop" places more than ever. Quick question. Do Chili's fajitas give you that taste of home, the memory of comfort, or is it just tasty? A free market is a great thing, but does it need to take away that emotional response? Food is an emotional and bonding experience. Perhaps on a tribal level. These are just words. Just a little food for thought, Think back to your best food/meal/party memory. Was it home cooked? Was it picked up/delivered.

Just a thought,

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